dissabte, 20 de novembre del 2010


- Hey, I’ve got my results right here!
- Geez, so many sheets! And...?
- I failed.
- Don’t be upset, honey. Cheer up. Drink a tea, watch a movie...
- That won’t solve my problems, you see.
- Ah, but is there a problem to solve? You’ve failed: you can cry, yeah, but it won’t solve anything. You can smile; you’ll neither solve a shit, but at least you’re going to have a good time.
He chuckles.
- That’s better!
- And what am I going to do with all those papers?
Evil smirks.
- You know... We could always make paper planes.

2 comentaris:

  1. Muahahahahaha!
    Jo també faré avions amb les meves notes...i si em diuen algo...<<¡ho vaig llegir al blog de la Lev!>>

    Encara no entenc com pots escriure així in english O_o

  2. P.D. #JoCrec que les paraules que Blogger et fa escriure per poder publicar el comentari són indirectes. Ahí lo dejo xDDD
